how a population changes in size during a specific period of time is called the
Glossary of Demographic Terms
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The aim of this glossary is to help you lot grasp terminology and terms related to the board field of demographic modify. The Rostock Centre does non claim to provide a consummate glossary on census; it rather aims to briefly explain the technical terms used in scientific manufactures to be understood by everyone, ranging from pupils to the very sometime. You can scan the glossary here.
A B C D E F G H I J 1000 Fifty 1000 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A term derived from English language to announce discrimination on grounds of historic period (comparable to racism, sexism)
Infant boom cohorts
Birth cohorts built-in during the so-called Baby Boom (in West Germany a menses roofing approx. the mid-1950s to mid-1960s). These years, marked by economical and social recovery following Globe War 2, witnessed higher nascency rates and an increment in the absolute number of births. Infant boom cohorts thus are disproportionally large in number compared to other birth cohorts.
Nascency cohort
All people born during a specific calendar twelvemonth or time period.
As well run into: Accomplice
Birth deficit
A region has a nascence deficit, when the number of live births is lower than the number of deaths inside a defined period of time.
Birth charge per unit
Also: Total fertility rate
The cruder (i.e., general) birth charge per unit is the number of alive births per k inhabitants in a year (8.iv for Germany in 2022). The crude birth rate is adamant not only by the fertility of a given population only also past its age structure. Age-specific nascency rates are calculated separately by historic period for women at childbearing ages. An example is the number of children built-in alive to xxx-year-old women in one year based on thou women anile 30. In everyday language, the birth rate is often mistaken for the total fertility rate.
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People aged 100 or over chosen Centenarians (lit.: hundreds).
See also: Semi-Supercentenarians and Supercentenarians
Designates a group of people who have a time-related characteristic in common. A nascency cohort comprises, for instance, all people born in a given year (more often than not limited by further criteria, e.thou., the country of birth). But the year of marriage or immigration may also be of demographic relevance, for example.
Cohort fertility
Cohort fertility (in contrast to period fertility) is the number of live births per adult female who were born in a detail year (= accomplice). This measure is less susceptible to fluctuations than is flow fertility. The measure out can but exist determined in hindsight, nevertheless, i.e., once the reproductive stage of the given cohort has ended.
Cohort mortality
The mortality of a given nascency cohort observed over time. Cohort mortality is used to runway the development of mortality in a given birth accomplice.
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Research discipline investigating the structure and dynamics of populations. The size and structure of populations change as people are born, die, or move (demographic components: fertility, mortality, migration and, in a broader sense: morbidity and nuptiality).
Demographic change
Demographic alter describes the changes in population size and structure acquired by changes in nascency rates, decease rates, and by migration. Demographic change in the Western adult countries of today is marked by depression birth rates below population replacement and by ascension life expectancy. The result is that populations are aging and shrinking. And migration may overlap with these developments. Migration, for example, leads to further population reductions in the regions of origin and to attenuation in the regions of destination. And if it is the young rather than the one-time who migrate from a region, aging is exacerbated in the region of origin.
Demographic change has ever exited, if seen purely equally a process of population development. Simply the extent of demographic alter we see today will necessitate drastic adjustments in many areas of society and politics.
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Earning points
The pension payment to which a person is entitled under the statutory pension scheme is based primarily on earnings accrued during working life. The adding of pension entitlement includes gross earnings per year. These are then converted into earning points. To practice so, the annual income is set in relation to the boilerplate annual income of all contributors to the pension fund. If the income equals that boilerplate, the effect is an earning point of 1 for that year. This mode, a total sum of 45 earning points would exist accrued after 45 years of employment (up to age 65). For earnings higher (or lower) than the average annual income, earning indicate values increment (or decreases) appropriately to a higher place (or below) 1.
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Fetal Origins Hypothesis
Posits that the predisposition to certain chronic diseases (and thus an important factor influencing individual life expectancy) is acquired equally early as in utero. Possible causes for a higher risk of dying are malnutrition and infectious diseases of the mother.
General fertility of a person, couple, group, or a population, i.due east., the ability to produce offspring. Fertility determines the evolution of population numbers and does so together with mortality and migration. The well-nigh common measure of fertility is the birth rate, reflected in the total fertility rate. If this charge per unit is below the so-called population replacement level, the population is shrinking.
See also: cohort fertility and period fertility
Prediction about a future effect, condition, or evolution. A forecast is always based on assumptions that need to be fabricated (e.g., about fertility, mortality, and migration when predicting how the population construction will develop over the adjacent 30 years). Forecasts are ever subject to a certain caste of inaccuracy. This is because the assumptions fabricated are well-nigh the futurity and unforeseen developments may occur, especially when forecasts are long term.
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Generation renewal
This means that the number of deaths in a population is start in the long run past the number of births, so that the population number in that region remains constant.
See also: Replacement level
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Healthy Migrant Hypothesis
The hypothesis posits that the health of migrants is better on average, thus they take a higher life expectancy.
Human Development Index
The Human Development Index (HDI) measures the boilerplate socio-economical development of a land by taking into business relationship three basic factors: the health, the instruction, and the living standard in a population. To this end, 3 indices are synthetic preceding HDI calculations: (1) Health – A country'south health status is measured by using life expectancy at nascency. (ii) Education – The index of a state's educational attainment is generated from the charge per unit of adult literacy and the combined school-enrolment rate at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of education. (3) Standard of living – The index of living standard is based on existent purchasing power per capita in US dollars. The United nations Evolution Programme (UNDP) has been publishing HDIs since 1990 in its Human Development Reports. For more information on the concept of the Man Development Index, encounter the UNDP website.
Human Mortality Database
The Human Mortality Database is a free database accessible to all who are interested. The data document the evolution of longevity over the past decades for 37 countries and regions. Its purpose is to intensify and facilitate research into the causes and consequences of bloodshed. The chief goals are to ensure comparability, flexibility, and costless global admission to the data.
Launched in 2002 by researchers from the Department of Demography at the University of California, USA, and the MPIDR's Data Laboratory, the database provides the following information on all countries and regions listed below, based on compatible methods to calculate life tables:
1) Accented counts of life births (past sex)
2) Absolute counts of deaths (by age, year of decease, and year of birth)
three) Population size
four) Figures on populations exposed to the take a chance of death (for periods and cohorts)
5) Death rates (for periods and cohorts)
6) Life tables (for periods)
Currently (2019), data for the following 41 countries are available:
For further information, see world wide
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In medicine, incidence is the number of new cases of a specific disease arising in a given population during a divers period of time.
See besides: Prevalence
Incidence rate
The incidence rate is calculated past setting the number of new cases of a specific affliction (counter) in relation to a defined population at risk (denominator), usually based on one calendar year and 1000 persons.
See also: Prevalence rate
Infant mortality
This indicator measures how many of 1000 infants born alive die in a given agenda yr before reaching their first altogether. According to the Federal Statistical Role, the current infant bloodshed rate for Frg is three.3.
Internal migration
Migration within national borders.
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Life expectancy
(= menstruation life expectancy)
A measure to standardize the mortality rates of i calendar year or several calendar years (i.eastward., period). Life expectancy shows the average number of years a person of a given age tin can look to live, assuming that historic period-specific mortality rates remain constant for the rest of that person's life. A distinction is fabricated betwixt life expectancy at nativity and remaining life expectancy (i.e., the years a person tin can expect to live at a given age).
Life Tabular array
(= mortality table)
A tabular display of the mortality for a predefined initial population. The table shows how many people are still live or take died by the end of age 1, 2, three and so forth. The about important values of life tables are calculated on the footing of age-specific survival and mortality probabilities. Life tables are used, for example, to calculate insurance premiums, such as for life, individual pension, or health insurances.
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In statistics, the median (besides: fundamental value) is a value at the midpoint of a series of values arranged by value size. This means that 50 % of the values are below and the other fifty % are above the median value. If there is an even number of values, the median is calculated by averaging the 2 values in the center of the series. An advantage of the median over the arithmetic average is that it is immune to "outliers". To give an case: In a series of ten people with 9 people aged 5 and one anile 80, the average age would exist 12.v; the median historic period, past contrast, would be v years.
A representative household survey of the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Offices of the German Länder, in which one% of all households in Germany are annually involved. Each household is selected at random using certain criteria and surveyed over a catamenia of four years. The Microcensus has been conducted since 1957 and provides statistical information on the economic and social state of affairs of the population, on employment, the labor market place, and pedagogy.
Move of individuals who go out their region of residence to live in another region.
Indicator of a population's state of health. It refers to the incidence and frequency of diseases and disabilities in a group (e.g., the total population, a nascency accomplice, or a generation).
(= death)
Mortality is influenced past biological, medical, and socio-economic determinants and past individual lifestyle factors. One of the instruments to measures mortality is the mortality rate.
Bloodshed rate
The number of deaths per 1000 individuals within a specified population and a specified period of fourth dimension (usually 1 twelvemonth).
A indicator of mortality.
Mortality risk
Commonly used as a synonym for the probability of expiry.
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Internet migration
(= migration residue)
The divergence between the number of people who enter a region (immigrants) to live there and the number of people who leave a region (migrants) to settle somewhere else.
= (age-specific) get-go-matrimony rate
Shows the share of people who married for the first time always at a given historic period for the year observed.
NUTS (French: Classification des unités territoriales statistiques) is a geocode standard for referencing the regions of the European Union. To enable comparability between geospatial areas and statistical information, the regions are divided into split entities and classified in hierarchical guild, based on existing administrative units and populations of similar size.
Basics Level 0: nation states
Basics Level 1: larger regions / areas of a country
NUTS Level 2: basic regions / areas of a land
NUTS Level 3: small regions / large cities of a country Example for DE803
Nuts Level 0: DE for Germany
Basics Level 1: DE8 for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MVP)
Nuts Level 2: DE80 for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (no further subdivision at this level)
Nuts Level 3: DE803 for the County Borough of Rostock
The NUTS nomenclature is used, for example, for socio-economic analyses of regions and when provision of fiscal subsidies is fabricated by European Union structural funds.
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Old-age dependency ratio
An indicator of the ratio of pensioners to the working population. The old-age dependency ratio is calculated equally the number of persons aged over 60 (or: 65 or 67) divided by the number of persons aged twenty-59 (or: 64 or 66). In Germany of 2022, the old-age dependency ratio (65 years) was 34. According to the projections of the Federal Statistical Function, this will have risen significantly by 2060.
Opportunity costs
A mutual concept in economic research. It is the loss of a potential proceeds when a decision is made for 1 alternative confronting some other.
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Peer grouping
Generally, this is any group of individuals who have similar social characteristics and share the aforementioned values and norms. The term commonly refers to age groups and in particular to that of adolescents and their civilisation, marked by a loftier degree of cohesion, by hierarchical organization, and a negative mental attitude toward the culture of the parents.
Menstruum fertility
Run into: Total fertility rate
Period life expectancy
Meet: Life expectancy
Plasticity of longevity
(= plasticity of bloodshed)
Generally, the power of being shaped. Here: Changes in lifespan. This hypothesis posits that the likelihood of dying tin can be reduced even at very old ages, i.e., remaining life expectancy tin can be prolonged.
Population momentum
Sustained population growth that is relatively potent – even if the birth rate per woman falls beneath replacement – due to the high proportion of young people at childbearing ages in the population. The population momentum explains, among other things, why population growth in developing countries (i.e., countries with a very immature historic period structure compared to industrialized countries) is still unbroken despite declining nascence rates.
Population pyramid
Graphical illustration of a population's age structure in a coordinate arrangement in which are plotted on the X-axis the corporeality of men (mostly on the left) and women (mostly on the correct) of the various age groups (Y-axis). In traditional societies with a high nascence rate, the age pyramid has a broad base of younger people and the college age groups have increasingly fewer people. If the birth rate falls – as has been observed for most developed countries in recent decades – and remains below the mortality rate, the pyramid changes in the long run to have the shape of an urn (fewer young people at the base of operations and a broad middle layer).
In medicine, prevalence is the statistical frequency of a disease in a population at a given point in fourth dimension.
See also: Incidence
Prevalence rate
The prevalence rate is derived from the ratio between the number of people affected by a condition, incidence, or development in a population and the total population. A prevalence that refers to a specific fourth dimension period is called period prevalence. *
See also: Incidence rate
Probabilistic forecasts
Forecasts that evidence a probability distribution of future events or other future. Skillful probabilistic forecasts consider all uncertainties that are likely (e.yard., future directions that a given variable used in the forecast may take).
Probability of dying
(= commonly used as a synonym for mortality run a risk)
The probability of a person who has attained a given historic period to dice before reaching the adjacent age. The probability of dying at age x is defined every bit the number of deaths at age x divided by the number of people alive at the start of age x, i.e., all people who reach the verbal age of x and are now at risk of dying before they achieve age x+1. The probability of dying increases with historic period, starting from belatedly childhood. The odds of dying for dissimilar age groups are unremarkably derived from age-specific bloodshed rates, and they are the basis for life tabular array calculations
(= promoting nascence)
The term is ordinarily used in the context of pronatalist family policy (which is geared toward increasing a state's birth charge per unit).
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Record life-expectancy
The highest life expectancy in the world observed in a given year. The record is currently held by Japanese women, with a life expectancy of 85 years.
Replacement level
As well: Elementary replacement level.
The population replacement level is the average number of children per woman (total fertility rate) that would be needed to go along the population constant at the given mortality rates. For Europe, this is currently two.1 (a rough guide). That is, if 1000 women belonging to a cohort have fewer than 2100 children over their lifetime, in the long run the number of births no longer makes up for the number of deaths, and the population shrinks. This has been applying to Germany since the 1970s.
Written report on the Elderly
Since 1993, the Federal Government of Germany has been issuing a report on the elderly each legislative period. The reports provide comprehensive data on the overall situation of the older population in Federal republic of germany and in alternate on current main bug. To this cease, the Federal Government appoints independent honorary expert commissions, which so prepare the reports; a job taking around ii years of work. The commission is assisted by the written expertise of other scientists.
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Option bias
(= sampling mistake, sampling result)
In many scientific studies, there is the gamble that the method of selecting examination participants or the test procedure in itself distorts or influences the results. Examples are familiarization and habituation furnishings for test persons who participate in long-term studies.
The term denotes people aged 105-109
Come across too: Centenarians and Supercentenarians
Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
A German longitudinal survey that started in 1984 and is followed up annually. Information technology surveys Germans, foreigners and migrants living in the new and the one-time Länder. Main topics covered are employment and family biography, participation in the labor market and chore mobility, income trajectories, health, and life satisfaction, adjacent to others.
Spouse splitting
Procedure to summate the income tax of married couples who are jointly assessed for revenue enhancement purposes. To determine the total tax to be paid, the taxable income of both spouses is added and and so divided by two ("splitted"). The tax is and so calculated for this amount and doubled over again. This method provides for a tax-gratuitous allowance to be factored in for both spouses and for the tax rate (in progressive revenue enhancement systems) to ascension more slowly when income grows. Spouse splitting is particularly advantageous when income differences between both spouses are very large.
A term to denote people aged 110 or over.
See also: Centenarians and Semi-Supercentenarians
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Tempo outcome
Unremarkably associated with the full fertility rate (period fertility, TFR). Tempo effects by and large are distortions in period measures acquired by changes in the timing of demographic events (eastward.g., births, deaths). With fertility, increases in the average age at childbearing result in shifts of childbearing to later stages in life, inevitably producing underestimations of fertility levels , e.g., as measured by the TFR. In the demographic literature, various formulae have been proposed to correct for tempo distortions.
See as well: Total Fertility Rate
+Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Come across besides: flow fertility
This is the boilerplate number of children a women would have over the course of her life if she were to pass through her childbearing years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates observed for a given yr.
Cf. cohort fertility
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Working population
All persons of working age; employed are those actively engaged in paid employment. The labor-force participation charge per unit is the share of the labor strength to the total population.
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